Both Peaks are visible
from the trail to
Arizona Hot Springs.
The USGS topo map
is quite "off" and misleading
Google Earth does a
bit better showing
the top of WRCP/B
I'm travelling from the E,
looking at the E face of
WRCP/B. The route
I took to the summit block
is direct, but not safe; see
photos for class 2.
Fortress Butte, 2nd peak
of day
I found this chute on
NW side of summit
block. There is a very
committing move on W
side of chute, just
below a chockstone.
I actually went up the
chute twice, and the 2nd,
some of the footholds
i-11/93 and Tillman
Bridge visible to N
Various shots from
summit; view S
Fortress Butte
SE, Wilson AZ in back
attempt at selfie
My chosen rap spot on
NW side, about 50'. The
anchor was farther back
from edge than I would like,
and currently uses 4000 lb
spliced and sewn Dyneema.
The quicklink is small but
5000 lb BS.
Bottom view of rap.
On the first pull, there
was a subtle overhand
knot (see cross-over
near top) that tied itself
to the quicklink, so I had
to climb back up.
The other spot I
investigated. Maybe
for a taller person (I'm
5' 6"). I started up and
the holds broke free,
giving me an ultra-
cautious downclimb.
R of this potential
route is a very spooky
drop into a steep gully.
A random spire
This is a mini-arch,
and illustrates the
fragile nature of the
volcanic conglomerate.
View back N as I
descend canyon to
Fortress Butte. WRCP
at left
As I started to climb
Fortress Butte, I realized
my (light blue) route was
unnecessarily hard
A key corner on the
"B" route up Fortess.
This is the easier of
two Branch Whitney
... but still has notable
exposure on crappy,
crumbling rock.
Snowy Spring Mts
Wilson AZ to E
Fartification Hill
The top of FB is large,
I cannot cross oer.
Neither have I,
wings to fly.
Colorado R
Descending FB
FB from AZ Springs
trail. Note backpacker.