I've been on BD
(Blue Diamond)
Hill, near Red Rock,
many many times. The
red route is 15.3
miles and ~3400' gain.
The blue route is 6.5
miles and 1700' gain.
Both are designed
to minimize trail. White
is private land; light
orange is BLM

Shortly after
crossing rte 159,
the route passes
through eroding
cliffs of valley fill

Near point 1 on map,
the canyon narrows

This slick dryfall
(near 1) can be
climbed on R

Barrel cacti on
slopes above canyon
sucked in water during
rains; unfortunately,
the roots pulled out
of the wet soil.

I have seen human
footprints just once
in this canyon, but
AtBF try to get
here every year.

I've turned into the
wider canyon near
2 on map.

This is the "nexus"
marked on map. BLM
land is front and back,
mine land is L and R,
so a path right smack
through middle involves
no tresspass.

Near end of
canyon, one cuts
L, point 3, still
avoiding trespass. The
mine talus has been
dumped on BLM

According to county
assessor records, this
mine building is
on BLM land. In
fact, a lot of mine
roads are on BLM
land. The mine must
have secured rights
to use the land. The
main road to the mine
is on BLM land.

Griffith in distance

Beginning at point 4
on map, is 1000'
of private property.
This land is technically
controlled, not by
the mine, but by a
mysterious CO-
based LLC. One
could go far right to
reach BLM land;
the trouble is the mine
has dumped waste
over this side, making
the footing treacherous.

Telephoto shot of
LLC investor station.
I tried to find a route
that was at least not
egregious, but the
mine waste makes it

Ahead is point 5
on map

Point 5

N of Point 5 |

N of Point 5 |

Spring Mts in back,
Tia Grande center,
White Rock Hills

Canyon before point
6 on map.

Near point 7

After point 7 |

Now I'm on W side
of route, heading S
to point 8

View back NE
over Calico Hills
to Madre Range

At point 8

As I head S, there
are brief places
where I have to
overlap with trail

Off-trail is not
easy footing

Last peaklet of
day, ~4000', from
point 9

Town of
Blue Diamond

At point 10,
view back to 9

at 11


Now the BLUE. I
went to the bike
path at point A;
unusually wet

My normal route
would have
required about
10 stream-crossings.

View ENE. At B
cut sharp R; idea is
to gain as much
elevation as possible
below cliff bands, so
gully crossings are easier.

Near point C,
view SSE. Look
for an easy way to
cut 1st cliff band, then
stay on grassy slope
to just above pour-off.
The pour-off is
~100' high.

View back N;
one can see easier
places to cross cliffs.

We'll head for the
dark shadow on
upper R, point D,
just above pour-off.
One can go up
PT peak from L
(in shadows) over
mild class 3, or walk
diagonally up slope
at R.

View down below

At D. Safe in dry

View NW across
pour-off, from N side
PT Peak.

View N

I'm just below E.
Even this class 3 is
stair-steppy, and just
to L is a class 2 route.

View east. One can
find class 2 just before

Totally optional
class 2 under

View S to point F
("squirrel" peaklet)

At F, climbing
totally optional

Barrel cactus slide
stopped by rock.

Water obstacle
near G.

Approaching H,
near Cowboy Caves.
White Rock Hills
visible across flats.

Near Cowboy Caves,
graffiti and garbage

~H. There is a gnarly
class 3 downclimb
just beyond.

It was hard to
with this garbage
in my hands