I mentioned I'd never been to Boot Boulder, so Jim and Barb began looking for the route. We eventually saw a few cairns. |
 Thge sky was dark, but that accentuated the colors. |
 The slick moss and lichen made it "interesting." |
 We wandered over sume subsidiary peaklets -- some harder than Boot Boulder-- before Jim saw the route; here he is atop the Boot. |
 Now I'm on the Boot, looking NW as Jacquie Barb approach. |
 Jacquie and Barb come down; somehow I thought the boulder was a lot bigger. The Hiking Las Vegas site calls it class 3+; there is some exposure on the downclimb, when it is hard to see your feet. There is now a bolt on top, through which you can double a 20' strap if people want comfort. |
 Then we cut WSW to hit the ridge to Lost Cr Peak; this section actually had some of the hairier exposure. |
 View N to White Rock Hills Peak |
 This stretch of ridge is reasonable when going up. |
 Barb and WRHP to R |
 Snow-covered Griffith in back |
 On Lost Cr Peak; La Madre is the gray ridge in back. |
 View S to North Pk, our next destination. |
 View NE as we cross over from Lost Creek Pk to North Pk |
 This was the first time I had seen running water here. |
 View S to Bridge Mt. |
 Barb comes up North Peak. We were planning to go out over Goodman Pk, but the possible rain had us bail to the west. |