Context map.

First hike, Jan 28.
I started up the
N side of Knife-Edge
(K-E), then went up W
side Hanging Valley (HV).
I circled back to
look for better route
on the N side of K-E. Red
is my track, blue is normal
slog (off PeakBragger).
All told it was 3h 20m.,
about 4 miles.

View S to Knife-Edge.
The normal route is
on the east side; I came
in from north, and
mistakenly went to a
deep red gully, which
is class 4 dirt (10' near
vertical crumbling start)

View SW on ridge;
Brown summit of K-E at
L, grayish Frenchman
Mt at R

I walked on very top
edge as much as
possible; in fact...

...I stepped on that
whitish point (view
back NE)

View NE to HV peak.
I saw a trail (sheep?)
all the way to the ridge.

View NE. I dropped off
K-E here; the talus
became incredibly steep,
and I don't recommend
this way.

Now looking NE along
W side of HV peak

From just beyond
summit of HV, view SW
over K-E to Frenchman

Slightly zoomed, showing
where one crosses valley
between peaks.

View of Muddies.

View over Lava Butte.

NNW over Division
and Unity to Sunrise Mt

Spring Mts over
N edge of Frenchman,
from HV peak.

View to Henderson
from HV.

View SW to Frenchman,
showing valley between
K-E and HV.


I crossed back N of K-E
to look for a better route.
This is the route I
first used. Avoid the
red stuff. View is UP.

K-E from NW

Division and Unity to N

Neat gully I took
back to car

Should have turned
W here, went E.
Route up K-E shown.

Lots of spent shells
as I neared the car.

Jan 31, I went to
Division Peak by
a fairly standard
route from the ESE,
then over Unity Peak
and back down the SE
side of Unity. All
told it was about 2 h,
3 miles.

I'm NE of Division,
looking SW. The
summit is at L; there
is an occasionally
knife-edgy ridge NW
of the summit, but I
climbed the peak by
entirely class 2 or lower
route, walking on the
sharpest edges only
for balance training.

Closer to the summit,
Frenchman Mt in back
on R (to SW).

Stll closer...

View N from Division,
Sunrise Mt on L,
Unity at R.

Frenchman again,
Potosi at R in

Spring Mts, with
Charleston, W
across Vegas Valley.

Knife-Edge to S;
Rainroad Pk (Black
Hills) at L on skyline.

Muddy Mts on
skyline to ENE. I
came up valley at L
in shadows.

Unity to NNE. Note
zig-zag sheep trails
in talus to L of

Now I'm near top of
Unity. While the route
need be class 2 at most,
all the way up I walked
on the sharpest, highest
edge for balance practice.
In this shot, I'm standing
on a sub-fin and will
eventually walk on every
highpoint of the fin to
the top. I put my hands
down about 3 times, and
used my arms as counter-

View of Frenchman (L)
and Potosi (R, distance)
from Unity.

View down at valley
W of Unity; I would
have gone across this
to Sunrise that day...
but I had a plan
for a surprise visit...

Sunrise to NW
from top of Unity.

Hanging Valley (L)
and Kinfe-Edge (R)
from Unity

Now I'm descending
SE slopes of Unity,
and suddenly the
terrain drops off
steeply. Rather than
risk a cliff, I cut L...

...and came down these
steep but manageable
rock slabs

lots of degraded
children's footwear
around there. ???

View back at my route,
Division on L and Unity
at R, but neither summit
is visible.

When I got down I
called Gina to see if
we could walk. She is
a fellow survivor, but
is shy about photos. She
looked great and
seemed fit. We both
have sars-cov-2
antibodies, but I
should have kept
my mask on to hide
my wrinkles.
...just before I finished
my hike, I slipped on
a near level spot, and
got ~20 barrel cactus
spines in my arm. One
broke off and is still
in my arm. The others
were quite hard to
extract, and my skin
tented up as I pulled.
I washed down the area
with isopropyl when
I got back to the car.