General map

Zoomed out for
context. 1km grid.

The easy route to
The Owl is on the
NW side. I've
heard this rated
5.4 to 5.7 YDS.
The only really hard
part is the slightly
sloped ledge.

Now I'm atop the
higher rock (L side
in previous photo),
looking down on
step-across. There
is not an abundance
of big holds.

From the top of Owl,
view ~SSW

Here I'm looking
down over the
step-across from
the west side. (I
later realized there
is another crack
for descent). I did
not want to go
down this way, so...

...I rapped down
by the ascent rotue...

...on 2500 lb bs
Dyneema in a
supermunter on
a locking biner.

View toward
Bridge Point,
from ledge at
W base of Owl

I think this is the
class 5 crack that
Dow Williams
suggests for descent,
east of ascent route.

Turtlehead in
back, ready to
head down.

View back ~W.
The hard route (5.10+)
is at L, the easier
route at R.

Goodman Peak at far L
in back, Owl to R

Susan and Chewie!

I'm heading WNW
around White
Rock Springs Peak,
when I find the 2nd
empty beer can of
the day. Soon I
found a soda bottle.
With the reservation
system, I thought
the littering would

Now I'm looking
S to Murphy Rock...

View S down the
real Red Rock
Canyon, Snoopy
at R.

View back N at
Murphy Rock.

Now to Murphy
Rock (MR) in
2019. For some
mystery, just an
aerial view...

Here is MR as seen
coming down from
White Rock Spring
Peak (WRSP)

One must cross
a nasty gully on
this route...

The crossing of
a lower pinnacle...

up the crux...
once at ledge,
head N along
ledge and cut
up gentler N side

The rock in back
looks higher from
the N part of
White Rock Loop.

I'm on peaklet to NW,
view of Barb and Jim
on middle (highest) rock.
WRSP to R in back.

View W

Jim and Barb
gingerly descend

Now we head
down on pretty
but challenging


View back E and
up at MR

Still another
view of MR (L)
and WRSP (R)