Overview map of the area. |

First up was Shadow, Feb 28 |

View S across a fog-covered
playa, with Nopah and
Resting Springs ranges to S. |

This is the 2nd-highest
peak in the Resting
Spring range; I planned
to go there a few days

Shadow Mt in morn,
still a bit of snow

Chance Range to NE |

Anji picks a better route.
The slides are made of
ancient metamorphosed
diabase |

Nopah Range |

Telescope Peak to W |

Charleston. |

View back at Shadow,
most snow gone.

I started out the day
hoping I could drive
to the start of a hike up
the 2nd-highest peak
in Resting Spring. Alas
the road was closed, and
I started too late for
a 15 mile day. What to do?

Well, I noticed that
High Peak was close,
so I started up from
the back side, a bit
more gain than the
front (NE) route.

It was basically class 2 |

View SW to
Resting Spring

View E along
mellow edge to

The top |

on top,
view E

Where I'd planned
to go

Shadow |

Charleston over

Same, zoomed out |

Tweet tweet |

across playa to

View W on ridge.
Why don't he write?

I'm back closer to
road, will head up
a lump with enough
prominence to be a

View back at High
Peak from lump.

Pahrump Point
from lump.

I headed straight
down W of the
lump, over awful talus

Azurite/chryscola |

OLD cans. I hope
CA doesn't arrest
me for having open
containers in the

View back at talus
route down lump.

Anji had mentioned
there were several
P1K peaks in the area;
I saw the name "Rocky"
and was intrigued. I
was able to drive
the good gravel
Ash Meadows road
rather near the peak. |

View N on approach.
I'll go to that saddle
at L. |

View back ~S to
Shadow Mt,
from saddle. |

Now I'm heading E
toward Rocky. The
rock was very
frictional... |

One could just
walk up stuff at 40
degrees |

The ridge was a bit
of a roller-coaster |

View to E, Rocky
itself looks benign,
but there is a valley
between us... |

back W at the one
brief class 3 |

View S from
connecting ridge |

View back at the
peaklets I traversed.
That rocky peak
falls short of the
highpoint by < 50'. |

First I hit the
peak E of the BM |

Now I've traversed
W to the BM,
view E |

ll head back the way
I came, but drop
L off the ridge |

BM register |

View N |

I came down the
Steep talus |

I then drove to
Peak 4355 to scout
the road. Hmmm, looks
harder than I thought. |

A few days later,
after a good
relatively quiet
night, I headed
for peak 4355' |

View from SW,
my route. |

On the way N, I
spotted a possible
descent, but later
missed the turn. |

View E on the W
ridge. I stayed on
the rock, mainly
class 2-3, to
avoid loose talus. |

View back NW
to Rocky BM
at R. |

View S. |

Charleston. |

View SSE |

View E to ridge
that might go,
but a view from
bottom showed
there may be
cliff bands |

View down S,
along east face
of 4355' |

Charleston Peak
on skyline |

View back to true
summit from SE
summit |

Now I'll head down
between those 2
lumps. The potential
route I'd seen
earlier is to R. |

This descent was a bit
more complicated
than I expected; I kept
cliffing out. |

I'll switchback several
times to avoid cliffs,
and eventually go
L of that lump. |

View back mild ramps
at base of canyon |

View back at route |

End. |

Google Earth
synthetic of
descent. |