Mount Wilson, Nevada*

March 23, 2003

Hike up through First Creek (to south); hike down through Cleaver Crack and Oak Creek (north).

Routes developed by Branch Whitney.

Click on any small image to see a larger photo.

Map with GPS trace of routes up and down (in red; from Nick N).

Don climbs up a tree to forage for food. On top, he did a Yoga balance.

View east, from top of waterfall in First Creek.

View NE, shortly after leaving waterfall. We are heading for the hidden basin, a shortcut up Mt. Wilson.

View south as we enter hidden basin.

Looking NE up the steep Sandstone ramps in the hidden basin.

View south from the top. Dave (right) will have to run fast to be in the photo he is about to take, but not as fast as I must run.

Me (HWS); standard cerebellum check. Rainbow Peak is behind me and to the left, and the grayish La Madre range is to right.

Panoramic view North, from snow-covered Charleston Range at left, to scenic gypsum mine and Vegas on right.

Looking roughly N and down on descent. Five of us decided to take this route; 5 took the other (sane) route back.

More of the view down.

Looks hairy, doesn't it? Actually, these pitches were dry, and were much safer than some waterfalls near the top (the falls were coated with ice).

We recoup before entering Cleaver Crack. Nick just sat on something sharp. View NE, with Rainbow Peak at left.

In Cleaver Crack. We just passed the dangerous section with the flying monkeys.

In Cleaver Crack. Note the snow.

Emerging from the bottom of Cleaver Crack.

Looking back up; we came down on the left side.

Back down in Oak Creek, Don is reminded of hikes in the Poconos.

*As opposed to Mt. Wilson, Arizona.

Bonus picture: The group eats lunch. There are 9 people in this photo. Can you find them all? Where is the tenth person?

Detail: Susan wears a favorite hat, while she checks her feet.