Windy Peak by East Ridge (Red Rock, NV, near Vegas)

Harlan W S
May 04, 2014

This route is an airy, fun scramble. I expected it would be a hot day, so I had previously cached water on top -- but breezes and cloud cover made the conditions ideal.

Peter (who recentlhy turned 80) requested this "hike."  Peter went in for major heart surgery 6 weeks later; it is amazing that an 80-year-old guy with significant heart issues was able to do this trip so quickly.  He is now recovering very well from his surgery, and actually has much stronger cardiovascular capability developing.

Google Earth view of
route from SSE.
Topo map
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This is a tricky spot.
Jim spots Peter on the
"normal" exposed dowclimb.
The rest of us went to right,
down a steep ramp.
Our easier ramp is at R.
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After the exposed downclimb
comes a steep wall.
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