
5421 as seen from
Moapa Peak

Track for the "hike."

zoom in.

Zoom out for context.
Western road looked
reasonable from
03/2023 google
earth, but Sept 23
storms may have

Approch from
ESE wash

View NE as Laszlo
tops 1st connecting

The ridge has
moments of cl 3,
which might be
avoided by
intense sidehills.

5421 from
connecting ridge.

Now I'm on main
ridge running S
from Moapa.

Moapa to N.

5421 to S.
We came up
the L side

Top of 5421,
view N

Laszlo on top.


Mormon peaks to
~NNW, some names

The more eastern
Mormon Peaks,
ending at Moapa.

The Dome (L)
and Mormon Pk (R).
There is a hidden,
cl 2+ gulley on
The Dome.

Me descending
5421, looking for
best way down

I left a Dyneema
2500 lb sling. This
material loses 30%
strength in 3 year
under intense UV, so
should be replaced
by 2026.

Laszlo to L of
crux. There is a
hidden gulley
15' up.

N past talus that
one must traverse.

View S to 5421.

Moapa to N.

The ridge is rough.