
context map

The view on approach S
from Xmas Tree Pass Road.

One heads through
benign desert to this
pass, where there are 2
obnoxious but short
bits of brush fighting.

We will avoid this
bouldery gully, and
instead cut left up a

The approximate route,
from SE corner of
summitblock. Dots
indicate where route
goes BEHIND cliffs.

The "tunnel" mentioned
by Bob B.

View back ~ESE at
top of ramp

The crumbly granite

Sports bra drawn
in for modesty.

Sprit Mt to NW

Heading down,
tricky section

The safe but exposed
way is at R. This steep
ridge seems great except
the granite surface tends
to peel off. But
a person could be
belayed up.

Heading SE back
down "ramp."

View back at rock
below "tunnel."

View N at pass

Space Needle
from campsite.