We focus on the
red, light blue
or magenta
routes that come
from the west side
of "Rainbow Mtn"
on the USGS map.
The dark blue routes
are class 3-5, depending
on fixed rope use. Note
the zoom location.

This is the zoomed
region, showing the
two creepiest parts
of the ledges; the
numbers 1 and 2
are used in the
photos that

This view looks
WEST at the ledges
route from the saddle
between peak 6800
and Rainbow Peak.
I've taken the green
route, and don't
recommend it
for solo trips.

This zoom on the
previous photo shows
possible anchors for
a handline on ledge
section 2. (One could
possibly use one long
handline all the way
down the gully from
spot 1, BUT not use
the line in the middle
where the gully is

Another view of
the ledges from
the east.

...and yet another.

View E from top
of creepy spot 1.In the
past I anchored a
line up here, I believe
on the outcrop at R.
At the base, one turns
hard R.

Barb and Jodie
climb UP to this
spot. View
from W.

Jodie climbs UP
on way from
Rainbow Peak.
View from W.

View from E, Barb
on an unnecessarily
creepy route below
spot 1

View from the NE.
Richard shows a
way to skirt on the
N side to avoid
the overhanging
downclimb at spot 1.

Now on to spot 2.
Susan hugs the rock
to climb back UP
to 2nd spot.

Susan steps across
before climbing up
the gully/chimney.

Jodies comes
up gully/chimney

View of same,
but from "corner,"
as Barb steps across.

Barb usually chose
to go directly up
the rock, rather
than take the

From "corner,"
this is Richard
climbing directly
over rock, toward
gully; this is a "bold"

View east toward
Rainbow Peak from
ledges. Note large
"Boulder." The S (R)
route is currently
 On the way back,
you must remember
to climb up a bit
and head SW around
the "Boulder."

Now for the
"old" route marked
in magenta on
2nd map at top.
View EAST.
Note the directions
on photos.

This way used the
"photographic ledge"
to bypass creepy
section 1, on the
SE side of peak 6800.
However, it required one first descend
a loose gully, and
some found the
exposure unnerving.

After the photographic
ledge, one wrapped
NE (L) to join the
"new" route.

A view from the
other direction of
nearly the same spot.