My modest trip. I wanted
to hit more peaks,
but didn't want to tempt
fate. I was back to the car
at 11:15, which made for
sufficient day. I walked
the very edge on ascent,
but came down left
of cliffs.

I've zoomed out map
for context

The traditional way
has one ascend to a pass,
then descend what is clearly
a trail... so I was a bit
surprised to find a
mattress here! Sunrise
Mt. in sun in back.

View back S as sun hits
peaks bounding valley.

Just after this arch,
cut up the hill to some
old roads.

View S; Frenchman
Mt. cut off in back,
peak 2960 to R. I'm
now walking the very
edge, which was better
for PF

View up (N) on very
edge, Traditional "path"
is on L below cliffs

Summit ahead,
staying on edge

View back
over edge

Sports bra drawn in
for modesty. I'm still
not back to pre-COVID
weight, but am putting
some flabby skin on
my midriff. Maybe being
67 is a factor.

Frenchman Mt
to WSW

Snowy Spring Mts
to W

Potosi at R distance;
Frenchman at L.

Peak 2960 ahead

Frenchman from 2960

Spring Mts from 2960