
Sept 13 I drove out
to camp on BLM land,
and took a quick hike
up onto a volcanic dome.

View S to Mono
Lake from highest
crag on this one

View W to Sierra,
where CP and Michelle
are hiking in the rain!


The last crag on
Sept 13.

Overview for next
2 days.

On Sept 14, we
went up Unicorn,
which looks "unicorn"
only from NE

View from NE

View SE from Summit

Lots of rap slings

This is the way
I took down, a 4-5'
jump to avoid...

...the way I
came up. We
later used a handline
for folks who didn't want to jump!

Selfie. I think that is
Cockscomb to S

CP comes down
a knife edge

Michelle and CP chill

"Unicorn" to N,
we are climbing
a very-slightly
higher peak to S.

This is from the peak
N of unicorn; view SW
to Cockscomb and
WSW to Echo Peaks (R).

Chilling by Elizabeth L

Believe it or not, that's
what "Unicorn"
looks like from E.
The ridge on R is
actually very thin, and
culminates in several
sharp peaklets.

On the 15th we
went up Cathedral.
The blue dots show
the ridge crest; NOTE
the scramble route stays
N of the crest till near the
very east side, when it
climbs a gully up a route
just W of summit block,
heads around a creepy
corner to S side, and heads
up a very exposed but
technically simple chimney.

Scramble route on
N slope Cathedral.
(Picture courtesy
Sarah Meiser,
13ergirl, from
Eichorn Pinnacle.)
Blue is the normal
scramble (mountaineer)
route. Light blue dots
indicate route has gone
behind rock to
South Face. Pink
route is harder.

Unicorn to SE

Cathedral as we head
to rough climb on
E side

View NE on
typical terrain
below N-trending

Michelle comes up
crappy sand to
crappier steep slabs
mixed with sand.

Cathedral to SE,
before topping lesser
ridge N of peak.

Eichorn Pinnacle
to W, start of scramble
route on N side of

View E, below crest.
One can always find
a class 3-ish way up
cracks as one climbs up
to R and ENE and E

View back W

View back W to
Half Dome

View back W

View of Half Dome from
Cathedral Summit. I went
ahead to see if I could set
up protection.

Selfie on summit

Here I'm looking down
WNW from summit. CP
(foot only visible) is
belaying Michelle. They
will then head up a hidden gully
to L and up from CP's foot,
and emerge at creepy corner
on S side.

More views W
from top

Coming down, view S.
I am just below hidden
gully, acting as a spot.
There is a very big drop
to L (E) just off camera.

CP lowers pack.
 Waiting for the pack
(in another place)

Eichorn to W, as we get
ready to head down on
W side of peak.

Where Mountaineer's
trail diverges

Our camp spot that eve.

next day in
Fish Lake Valley
E of White Mountains.