Bridge (19x!) by N. Peak Ridge with Dagmar and Karl

pics by Harlan W.S.
April 30, 2011

Dagmar and Karl were in town, so we got together for a trip up Bridge, North Peak,  etc. We made the plans about 2 months back, and thought this might be a hot day.  In fact, it was windy and close to 32F when we parked the car 1.7 miles up the Rocky Gap Road, at 7:20AM. We topped Bridge just before 10AM.

I met Dagmar on a hike to Rabbit Peak (via Villager) in December 2010.  She kept a stiff pace, allowing 3 of use to break away from the main group and finish the hike in ~11 hours.  I was quite appreciative of her guidance then, which allowed me to finish the hike in daylight -- important for me, since I can't balance well in the dark, and there was absolutely no moon.  I tried to return the favor by showing her Bridge, the gem of my native turf.

Here is the full GPS track in GPX format; here is the track broken down into two simplified (<500 point) segments, suitable for uploading to most GPS units.

GPS track.
Near the top of the North Peak Ridge;
snow-covered Griffith Peak is in back.
First view of Bridge from "dragon" overlook.
Icebox Canyon to E.
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Bridge.  A group of Boy Scouts
has camped overnight at the pond,
and climbed the peak at sunrise.
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2nd chute.
3rd chute.
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Up the big crack.
Under the arch.
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The tinaja N of the arch. The lighting
contrast was so great, that the foreground
sandstone appears white.
The last ramp after Hidden Forest.
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Arrogance! Not up to my normal
standard-- there was a strong wind
that blew the camera over before I
got full extension. I just want to prove
that it was shorts and T-shirt weather.
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The Tinaja E of the peak.
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I tricked Dagmar into providing
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Coming down the ramp.
On the arch.
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Down the big crack.
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After these folks passed, I realized
 it was 2 groups, one of which was the
Hiking Las Vegas group lead by Rick
They moved fast, and were soon  at the
top of the main crack (visible as specks!).
Up the 2nd chute.
This is the breciated sandstone just
beneath the the overthrust limestone.
Next we went to North Peak.
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Then we went by the shelter...
To the Buffalo Wall overlook.
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Karl noticed this message
in the puddle on the overlook!